GiANT Leadership Podcast

#023 Change Within

Episode Summary

Jessica Rimmer, PhD shares her insights from working with companies in various industries. She gives details of what she is seeing as trends with leaders over the last several years. Jeremie, Steve and Jessica emphasize the importance of setting vision so others don't highjack your future.

Episode Notes

Episode Highlights, Links and Resources:

In the introduction, Steve and Jeremie discuss  Vision. Do you have a Vision problem? Do others have Vision for you that is higher than your Vision for yourself? Are the opinions of others dictating your Vision for yourself? Steve mentioned that the primary responsibility of a leader is to set direction and cast Vision. Dream outside what you think is possible outside of your to-do list.  Five years from now, what are the things that you want to see happen?  

Our guest on this episode is Dr. Jessica Rimmer. Jessica runs a GiANT agency called Solomon. To learn more or do reach out for her consulting services, check out her website.

Jeremie asked Jessica what she sees working in businesses right now. She responded that people are tired of the conflict in the world. It's an important time for leaders to become healthy. There is an urgency around getting healthy and staying healthy. Leaders must think for themselves, own their point of view and be proactive in leadership. She sees the importance of helping leaders focus on what really matters from a sense of peace.  People don't have reserves yet, so if they are going to be able to function they have to work to get healthy.

Our favorite episode quotes: 
Steve, "The primary responsibility of a leader is to set direction and cast Vision."
Jeremie, "Dusting off Vision is really, really important. Use the 5 year mark. Do the work instead of letting someone else encroach on your vision."
Jessica, " It was only in the doing it that I figured out why my life needed to be reordered."

Jessica mentioned the "Self-Preservation" tool. Learn the details of that tool here.
Jeremie mentions a 1st Gear and a 2nd Gear strategy. Learn about the 5 Gears tool here

If you want to become a GiANT Certified Coach,  go to and watch the video, then book a demo.
To create a free account on the GiANT Leadership Platform, go here

Episode Takeaway from Steve:  We have build a leader's toolkit for the world. Check it out here
Episode Takeaway from Jeremie: You have the opportunity to apprentice people and if you have vision it makes it easier.

If you'd like Steve or Jeremie to speak at your next event, either live or remote, inquire here: