GiANT Leadership Podcast

#025 The Power of Being Intentional

Episode Summary

Our episode guest is Ed Ampaw-Farr. He asks the question, "Have you ever been prodded or poked by personality assessment-type trainings?" He says he has and he doesn't want to do that to the people he serves and coaches. Instead, he is focused on really knowing people and their wiring so he can best lead them.

Episode Notes

Episode Highlights, Links and Resources:
In the intro Steve and Jeremie focus on the importance of a reset during the summer months. Rest and recharge or a professional and personal advantage. Use the summer months to change what you are doing to get a new perspective. 

Steve mentions focusing on different gears during the holiday months of summer. If you're not yet familiar with the 5 Gears, you can go through the 5 Gears Masterclass course on the $10 per month per user GiANT OS Pro subscription. Check it our here.

Our guest on this podcast is Ed Ampaw-Farr of Human First Leadership. He'd love to hear from you and connect with you, no matter where you are in the world. He is a UK-based leadership coach and consultant who emphasizes the importance of making sure your leadership skills and awareness spill over into not just work life, but also your home and personal life, 

Our favorite episode quotes:
Jeremie, "You can't give what you don't possess. When I'm alive and connected to my key partners, then I add a lot of value. When I'm not alive, I create stress. So what would it take to make you be at your best and become fully alive?"
Steve, "Leaders don't need a library, they need a toolkit. GiANT hasn't come up with new wisdom that no one has ever heard, but rather, we've taken historical wisdom and codified that wisdom in a format of visual tools that works in the new world."
Ed:, "People's lives are effected by accidental leaders".

If you want to become a GiANT Certified Coach,  go to GiANT Guide Certification and watch the videos, and sign up to join our next remote training cohort.

If you'd like Steve or Jeremie to speak at your next event, either live or remote, inquire here: